Spendr Guides

Processing Cashless Digital Payments with Spendr

Spendr offers an easy-to-use QR-based payment process for dispensaries. Whether it's full or partial payments, Spendr is easy to use for your customers and team.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Ensure a manager is logged into the Spendr App on the payment device.
  1. Scan or enter the items into your POS system to calculate the total amount (with taxes).
  1. For partial payments, start by processing the cash portion of the transaction. Ask the consumer how much they are paying in cash, then all you have to do is enter the amount as a cash transaction
  1. With the grand total, open the Spendr App and choose from:
  1. If you’re the manager, select "Accept Payment" from the menu icon.
  1. If you’re a clerk, select "Enter POS Mode" from the menu icon, then choose your name and enter your 4-digit pin.
  1. Enter the full transaction amount in the Spendr App's Accept Payment screen and click "Collect Payment.”
  1. Follow the in-app instructions to complete the payment and transfer the funds from the customer's wallet to the dispensary's wallet.
  1. After confirming the transaction in the Spendr App, enter the details into your company's POS system for tracking purposes.
    Return to your POS system and click on "Checkout" (where you scanned/entered the items).** Verify the consumer using the parameters set up by your company, such as date of birth or address.
  1. Return to your POS system and click on "Checkout" (where you scanned/entered the items).** Verify the consumer using the parameters set up by your company, such as date of birth or address.
  1. Instead of selecting cash, choose one of the following codes based on your company's designation: Debit, Other, or Check.
  1. Confirm the transaction code, close out the sale on your POS, and provide the receipt to your customer.

** Not applicable to all dispensaries – dependent on your company’s POS solution.  

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